
Make West Africa a global center of expertise
in Data Science, Data Engineering and Web/Mobile Development.


The concept

A north / south inclusion action for the mutual benefit of young Senegalese and societies in France and around the world.

On the one hand, companies in France and in French-speaking countries have a real problem recruiting internal and/or external skills in order to quickly carry out their strategic digital transformation projects.

This trend will not be corrected in the future because the technological sectors are more and more neglected in favor of the supervision of projects for example.

On the other hand, the French-speaking countries of West Africa have high-performance university structures that are often twinned with French universities. Unfortunately, there is a lack of outlets for young graduates in science and computer science (few budgets for local research and a limited number of jobs in companies compared to the number of graduates).

Finally, many developers with more than 5 years of experience would like to build their future and sometimes convert to other specialties.

The project in 3 points

Sharing knowledge and collaborating to help Senegal
take a prominent place in global tech


A training campus

Train scientists in Data Science.

A digital services company

Development services in management, data science as well as development of "turnkey" projects

A startup incubator

A future family of Startups

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Want to join us ?

If you want to work in a friendly environment with many opportunities to grow in contact with companies around the world, to meet experts in cutting-edge fields who will be happy to help you "grow" and build with us a "family" who will stand by your side to build your future.
Join us and let's build this beautiful project together!